luni, 30 iulie 2012

Think PINK

          Every time you were upset or depressed, the persons close to you not able to give a solution to your problems, they encourages you to think positive... Thinking positively... Maybe a too laconic expression... Hearing it so many times, probably that it had lost sense or probably you have not ever know what is the true meaning... Have you ever stopped your activity for 30 seconds to ask yourself what mean to think positively.
          Positive thinking is nothing else than to have a winner attitude... Is it that "WANT, CAN, SUCCEED" toward which tends all... It is that kind of mental behavior with which manage to overcome the difficulties of your life and to fulfill your dreams... It is the anticipation of happiness, joy, success and health…                                                
          Each of us have passed along the years through moments when we felt that, for one reason or another, our life is turned upside down. Then, dark thoughts cloud our view and feel that we can not get out of that vicious circle of troubles, which seem to bring other and other troubles with them... The first instinct is to identify the cause which led to this depressed situation but most of the time we do not realize which is the exact moment that life struck us. And that is because generally this thing does not happen suddenly... Almost none of those who go through such an experience, who had lost their dearest or being in which they believed, can not say that was all about, a phone or a letter, or that they had a sudden unexpected discovery, an illumination, after which our life would collapse.                                                                               
          This is the moment when should take place the latch for unchaining when you refuse to look down, when you look at the full half glass, when you propose favorable future evolution... You should remember the pleasant moments of life and tend to relive them. Do not victimize you, be honest with you so you can reconcile with yourself and with what you are...                                                                                                   
          Positive thinking do not have to mean foolish optimism, superficiality in addressing problems or indifference. It is absurd to think that adopting a positive attitude you become a millionaire or that incurable diseases will be treated with the power of thought... With all this do not underestimate the power of thought, because in times of trouble, all difficulties - which are part of life - will be easier to pass if you orient the way of thinking on the principles of positive thinking ...                               
          Certainly you had days when in personal or professional life you had the feeling that everything goes smoothly and that it can not doing anything wrong. The next day you lived the experience the opposite, where everything seemed to go bad or very bad, when you fail to do some things that makes them easily yesterday, when each action was wrong, when any attempt seemed doomed to failure. You are not asked, how, when you are the same person with the same resources available in the same situation one day you give amazing results which you are proud, and in others only miserable results? The answer to the question regarding performance differences you will find only in the mental state in which you were... There are conditions that stimulate trust in you, love, inner strength, joy, ecstasy, which unlocks your personal power, but also state which blocked you, of confusion, depression, fear, sadness, frustration, which drained you of your power, states which can become defining, reflecting your personality later.                                                                                                
          Do not indulge long time in the depression and anxiety because all this bad experience are recorded, without you realize, in an area of the subconscious... Much of thought departing from your subconscious, which is an ocean of automatisms, skills, informations, emotions, memories. You are not aware that your feelings, memories, experiences, all that you saw, will remain ever present and will influence how make your choices. If now, you do not have the life you desire, it means that your subconscious is inoculated the idea that it is state of happiness you deserve. But the subconscious does not make a selection of thoughts and emotions the stored and can not discern between good and bad, between fantasy and reality. It is responsible for many of our decisions because, thinking based on logic and conscious is in much smaller proportion than that based on subconscious. As the amount of negative thoughts and emotions stored in your subconscious mind is greatly you need more time and wishes to overcome the blockage and have your dream life...                                                                     
          Your positive thinking is not only your... Thinking positive you influence the people around... Happiness, joy, smile which you transmit will be taken immediately to others. Your positive mood will bring close your friends which will love you and will cherish you.  
          So be the person who faces life with a positive attitude and you will always have greater success in personal and professional life, but a person which can not take control of his thoughts. Do not forget that troubles come and go... They will always attract other and other troubles, but must have the courage to pass from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm...
      When the life knock you, get up calm, shake out by dust, smile polite and say: "KICKING LIKE A GIRL!!!"