It was a pretty agitated period of my
life when I received an email
from a friend... I had read it some time ago because
it is the kind of message loop running, but so far I failed to
understand the the message with so deep emotional charge, however
say very real... It was about a story imagined
or even happened to
anyone, but certainly will be experienced
by all of us one time
and I will play back below:
"My friend opened his wife's wardrobe drawer and pulled out a small package wrapped in silk ...
-This, he told me, is not a simple package is a piece of underwear... He opened the package and he look
closely the silk and
the lace...
-I bought it for her first time when we were together in New York,
with 8 or 9 years ago,
but never used it... She
wanted to keep it for a special occasion. Well, I think now is the right time...
Approaches the bed and put this package with other things brought from the funeral home… His wife just died... Turning to me with tears in his
eyes told me:
-Do not keep anything for a special occasion... Remember what I say:
every day you live, is a special occasion..."
When I finished
reading, I fell to thoughts and I
that often happened
to me to regret opportunities that I have missed sometimes intentionally, occasions I have scheduled for later or who I have given with foot, being convinced that my life will
provide other and other favorable
Most times we
indulge in the tranquility of the
daily routine
that we ceiling our
life and even our feelings. Moreover many
times we pride with our power
to restrain our desires, with the
strength to
guard against unnecessary risks. Turning too adventurous of life we see them like some temptations
that deserves to be bypassed far away.
But as often happens, we find
ourselves over the years, regretting the
fact that we have not done in good time things and now is too late. And began
to beg time to turn back or to convince watches opposite directions know, although
we know that can not be. Then, licking our wounds, we cover the pain with
bandages of promise that from now on, we will weigh more carefully the decision
to say "NO" or “DO IT LATER".
Once and for all, must remove
from our vocabulary phrases like "SOMEDAY", "ONE OF THESE DAYS",
"THE TIME COMES WHEN I DO THIS ONE TOO" if we want to protect us from
the terrible regrets that most likely we will have when we understand that we
want, but we can not turn back time to change our history. Or it is good to be
proud that we live aright judging by others people rules, telling us all the
time that I do not like that, or vice versa because "WHAT PEOPLE
SAY???" Do not forget that people sees, hears and speaks... Unfortunately sees
evil, hears less and always talks too much... An old saying, says that only the
soil can cover the mouth of the people, so if you wanted to you do not do anything
that you like because it's unusual, believing that people will not gossip, you
are in a terrible mistake. Any problem you have with the world, it is your
problem. And it is in your power to solve it so that will be fine for you. Do
not do anything for them. Do it for you. For your peace of mind and soul ...
You realize though seems signs of
temperance, some restrictions which you are imposed on your life, it can keep
away from own happiness? A refusal of a request to marry with your first love, because
you have not yet graduated, interruption of pregnancy, because you're too young
to become a mother, giving up a career that is displeasing parents may be as
many trains that once lost, never stop in your railway station ...
So, you can not always go on the principle that
"I WILL DO ONCE, NEVER IS TOO LATE", because they may realize with pain
sometimes, that it is "TOO LATE"...